Our 515+ Tutors
These are our tutors who have earned a 515 or more. They are very familiar with the structure, content, and various techniques of the MCAT. They are prepared to help you in any way you need! They can help form a custom schedule catered to your specific needs, content review, and even MCAT exam logic.
Keith Cordner
Parshan Mashhourinejad
My name is Keith. I am a fourth year medical student with 5 years of experience tutoring the MCAT. I recieved a 517 on the exam. I can help with test-taking skills, passage analysis, as well as content mastery. I'm able to help you create a schedule, with day-to-day assignments and study plan.
My name is Parshan. I received a 519 on the exam. Have you been studying for the MCAT using long, tedious textbooks and found yourself being confused and discouraged? I know how to fix that, because I experienced it myself! If you are ready to level up your MCAT score and master the biology section, contact me!
Premier MCAT Prep students raised their score by:
16 Points On Average
From their initial diagnostic score to the official MCAT exam.
How can we make this happen?
We work hard - really hard - to ensure that you receive the best teaching possible. Being taught isn't just a job for us, it's one of our main sources of joy. That's the reason our selection process is so stringent. It's not enough for someone to get a good MCAT score to teach, they also need to demonstrate a love for teaching.
It doesn't just stop at 16 points.
The average improvement for our students is 16.13483 points to be exact. Even better, our student's average scores are over 513. Just over 85% of our students scored 10 points higher than their diagnostic, which is better than any of the other big-name companies. About 55% of our students score 16 points higher than their diagnostic, which is again, better than our competition. Where we really stand out, is with 24% of our students scoring more than 20 points better than their diagnostic. No matter what your starting score, we work with you to ensure you get the best tutoring and results possible. We make you work, and work with you, until you get that score.
Want to see our data?
We don't hide it like other companies. We put it front and center for you to find it, in case you want to see how our tutor's previous results. Some of the data comes from before we were founded, but they are from the same tutors you'll find here on the website. Try doing this on our competitions site, and watch how long it takes to find their data!